Acromioclavicular dislocation

AC joint injury.jpg
  • More common in males and athletes

  • Mechanism: direct blow to the shoulder (often sustained while falling onto the shoulder)

  • Patient presents for shoulder pain, especially over the AC joint

  • Xray is needed to confirm the diagnosis (AP bilateral, axillary lateral, and Zenca View)

  • Rockwood classification

    • Type 1 and 2 : conservative treatment: sling + physiotherapie

    • Type 4-5-6 : surgical treatment

    • type 3 : Controversial. For young and athelete patients, Prefer surgical treatment

The shoulder  Grindle Falls down

The shoulder Grindle Falls down

Rockwood ClassificationEFORT Open Rev 2018;3:426-433

Rockwood Classification

EFORT Open Rev 2018;3:426-433

Surgical intervention can be

  • Reduction with botton suture under arthroscopy

  • Mini-invasive reduction on achor

  • Hook plate

For chronic cases, and since ligament cicatrisation is impossible, we should perform ligament reconstruction

  • Weaver-Dunn procedure (weak alone)

  • Complex ligamentoplasty with autograft.

Botton suture  (Arthroscopy)

Botton suture (Arthroscopy)

Weaver Dunn (with Botton suture). Skeletal Radiol (2020)

Weaver Dunn (with Botton suture). Skeletal Radiol (2020)