Wrist & Hand

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Wrist Trauma are very frequent, and fractures can occur in the forearm , the carpal bones, and in the hand…


Kienbock’s Disease

Often diagnosed late, at a stage where it requires surgery….

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Trigger finger

A very frequent pathology that affect elderly patients. Many treatment modalities exist…


Dupuytren’s disease

A progressive pathology affecting the palm and the fingers. The most advanced is the case, the more extensive is the treatment…



An injury to TFCC, or the triangular fibro-cartilage complex, can occur after trauma or in degenerative cases. Many types should be distinguished to propose the best treatment…


Thumb ulnar collateral ligament tear

It is important to distinguish between acute vs chronic cases, and to identify surgical indications…


Finger’s Deformity

It is important to well diagnose different finger deformities , since treatment differs…

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Carpal Tunnel syndrome

A very frequent pathology resulting in paresthesia and grip difficiency. EMG should be obtained to deliver the treatment

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De Quervain tendinitis

A painful tendinopathy arround the wrist. It can be resolved on painkillers, physiotherapy and injections. Surgery is reserved to refractory cases