
Hallux Valgus

Also known as “Bunion”. It is a frequent pathology.

Medical Treatment can be advised first, but surgery is usually required later on.

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Hallux Rigidus

Also known as “Stiff big toe”. It is a degenerative condition of the first ray.

It should be differenciated from Hallux Valgus since the treatment differs.

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Toe Deformity

Many toe Deformity exist and should be distinguished : Hammer Toe, Mallet Toe, Claw Toe.


Morton Neuroma

A painful situation of the forefoot that can alter daily activities and shoe wearing.



Also Referred as “pump bump”, causing achilles tendon inflammation.


5th metatarsal fracture

A very frequent fracture seen in ankle spain. Some types request conservative treatment, and others request surgery


Plantar Fasciitis

One of the most frequently seen pathologies. Patients present with heal pain.


Achilles tendon rupture

Achilles tendon is essential for everyday-activities (e.g walking). Acute ruptures should benefit of surgical repair. Chronic ruptures should be treated with tendon reconstruction

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Ankle Sprain

Very frequent trauma case. It should be well treated to prevent chronic ankle instability


Osteochondral lesions of the Talus

One of the causes of ankle pain. It should be always suspected in front of chronic ankle pain, not resorlving to classic treatment


Lisfranc & Chopart

High energy trauma cases. Must be always eliminated to prevent degenerative changes


Peroneal tendons pathology

One of ankle pain Causes. Pathology can be a simple fissuration , complexe fissuration, rupture and / or dislocation.

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Ankle fracture

Different types of fractures exist. We should not forget the essential role of ankle’s ligaments while treating the patients


Ankle Arthroscopy

After dominating knee & shoulder surgeries, arthroscopy is more and more used in sports injuries of the ankle. New tools and technologies are expected to emerge and to make ankle surgery less and less invasive


Ankle Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis can hit ankles and thus limiting the patient’s quality of life.