meniscal tear1.jpg
  • Common in young patients with sports-related injuries and older patients as a degenerative condition 

  • Medial meniscus is more often injured.

  • Acute ACL injury : think of lateral meniscus

  • Symptoms :

    • Pain , especially in a hyper flexed knee

    • Articular effusion

    • instability

    • Flessum ( if bucket handle)

  • Imaging

    • Xray should be normal. Evaluate tibial slope and varus/valgus deformity

    • MRI: gold Standard

    • Arthroscan (Especially for partial tears)

Radial amputated meniscus

Radial amputated meniscus

Radial tear

Radial tear

Horizontal tear

Horizontal tear

longitudinal vertical tear

longitudinal vertical tear


  • rest, NSAIDS, rehabilitation : for degenerative lesions

  • Meniscal suture: best results with vertical longitudinal tears in the red zone (or red-white)

  • Partial menisectomy (for meniscal tears that can not be sutured)

  • Meniscal subtitute / allograft : rarely done (lack of long term results)

Meniscal suture

Meniscal suture

