anterior arthroscopy

anterior arthroscopy

posterior arthroscopy

posterior arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is more frequently used in the ankle for several indications

  • osteochondral lesions of the talus

  • microfracture of OCD

  • debridement

  • impingement

  • os trigonum excision

  • removal of loose bodies

  • Ankle fusions


  • Synovial cutaneous fistula

  • neurovascular damage

ankle arthroscopy showing cartillage damande in A, and intra-articular loose body in B

ankle arthroscopy showing cartillage damande in A, and intra-articular loose body in B

removal or ankle cartillage under arthroscopy, preparing for percutaneous fixation.

removal or ankle cartillage under arthroscopy, preparing for percutaneous fixation.