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Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the aponeurosis at its origin on the calcaneus, usually secondary to chronic overuse or repetitive trauma.

It affects men and women equally

Risk factors

  • Obesity (high BMI)

  • Decreased ankle dorsiflexion in a non-athletic population (tightness of the foot and calf musculature)

  • weight bearing endurance activity (dancing, running)


  • insidious onset of heel pain, often when first getting out of bed . Patients may prefer to walk on toes initially, and then relieved by ambulation. Pain is worse at the end of the day after prolonged standing.

  • Common to have symptoms bilaterally

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Associated conditions

  • calcaneal apophysitis

  • gastrocnemius-soleus contracture

  • heel pain triad (plantar fasciitis. posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, tarsal tunnel syndrome)

  • anatomic variations: femoral anteversion, pes cavus

  • pes planus

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Conservative Treatment

  • Pain management, splinting, physical therapy ( including achilles)

  • Cortisone injections (can lead to fat pad atrophy or plantar fascia rupture)

  • Shock wave treatment : second line of treatment. Used for chronic heel pain lasting longer than 6 months when other treatments have failed

Surgical release with plantar fasciotomy

  • Can be done open or arthroscopically. (open procedure is indicated if tarsal tunnel syndrome is present as well)

  • Release medial one-third to two-thirds: avoid complete release as it may lead to

    • destabilization of the longitudinal arch

    • overload of the lateral column

    • dorsolateral foot pain


  • Lateral plantar nerve injury

  • Complete release of the plantar fascia with destabilization of medial longitudinal arch

  • Increased stress on the dorsolateral midfoot

  • Chronic pain

  • Plantar fascia rupture

This information is a brief, simple medical explanation. For exhaustive details, and before starting any kind of treatment, please refer to Dr.BAYOUD