  • Comnplex anatomy : TFCC made up of 

    • dorsal and volar radioulnar ligaments

    • central articular disc

    • meniscus homolog

    • ulnar collateral ligament

    • ECU subsheath 

    • origin of ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral ligaments


Blood supply

  • periphery is well vascularized (10-40% of the periphery)

  • central portion is avascular

Mechanism of TFCC injury

  • Type 1 traumatic injury

    • mechanism

      • most common is fall on extended wrist with forearm pronation 

      • traction injury to ulnar side of wrist

    • traction injury to ulnar wrist

  • Type 2 degenerative injury

    • associated with positive ulnar variance

    • associated with ulnocarpal impaction

Imaging : Xrays, MRI, arthroscan. Arthroscopy shows the lesion the best.


  • immobilization, NSAIDS, steroid injections

    • all acute Type I injuries

    • first line of treatment for Type 2 injuries

  • Operative

    • arthroscopic debridement

      • type 1A

      • diagnostic gold standard

    • Arthroscopic repair

      • type 1B, 1C, 1D

      • best for ulnar and dorsal/ulnar tears

      • generally acute, athletic injuries more amenable to repair than chronic injuries

      • patient should expect to regain 80% of motion and grip strength when injuries are classified as acute (<3 months)

    • ulnar diaphyseal shortening

      • Type II with ulnar positive variance is > 2mm

    • Wafer procedure

      • Type II with ulnar positive variance is < 2mm

      • type 2A-C

    • limited ulnar head resection

      • type 2D

Palmer’s classification

Palmer’s classification

Modification of Palmer 1B classification (upon arthroscopy)

Modification of Palmer 1B classification (upon arthroscopy)