Hip osteoarthritis


Mediacal Treatment:

  • Pain killers and AINS

  • Weight loss and change of daily acitivites

  • corticoid or Hyaluronic acid injection

Surgical Treatment

  • Hip resurfacing (young male).

  • Hip arthroplasty

  • Defintion: degenerative disease of the hip that causes progressive loss of articular cartilage

  • Risk factors  : articular trauma, high impact sporting activities, heavy physical stress, female gender, genetics, developmental or acquired deformity ( hip dysplasia, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease)

  • Physical exam :

    • function-limiting hip pain (altering The quality of life)

    • pain at night or rest

    • hip stiffness

    • instability

    • altered range of motion

Kellgren-Lawrence classification for hip osteoarthritisClin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Aug; 474(8): 1886–1893.

Kellgren-Lawrence classification for hip osteoarthritis

Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Aug; 474(8): 1886–1893.

What a hip prosthesis look like

What a hip prosthesis look like

couple de frottement.jpg
What a hip prosthesis look like

What a hip prosthesis look like

Patient is allowed to walk full weight bearing in the same day.

Complications: infection, disloation, fractures, instability, leg length discrepency, nerve damage….